Being Wealthy – 5 Reasons Why You Are Not Yet Rich

5-reasons-why-you-are-not-yet-richBeing wealthy is usually more a factor of time, targeted effort and persistence than a factor of ‘luck’.

Oftentimes people who want to be rich and cannot seem to figure out why they are not getting results end up frustrated.

The temptation to give up seems so overwhelming that many fall by the wayside.

If this describes you, read on to discover five reasons why you are not yet rich, and hopefully you will be able to examine yourself and take corrective action based on your unique circumstances.

1.  You don’t really want to be rich

If someone gave you two seconds to answer the question “do you want to be wealthy?” What would your answer be?

You would be surprised at how many people come up with answers like “well sort of” or “not really” yet on second thought they change their answer to an absolute and resounding “YES”.

This is usually a sign of an inner conflict that can inadvertently prevent you from getting where you want to be. Being wealthy and staying wealthy accidentally is a very rare occurrence.

You need to have a definite desire and a deliberate plan of action as a result of which you will be able to achieve what you have set out to accomplish.

2.  You are too comfortable

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we tend to want higher needs when our needs for human survival, safety and security have been met.

In the same sense we all have individual levels of financial success to which we aspire.

Given that we are all motivated by different things, there are those who fail to get rich simply because they do not have a strong enough ‘why’ to leave their comfort zone and head towards sustainable wealth.

It is usually when this comfort zone is threatened by an event such as divorce or the loss of a job that some people realize they were living a lie.

Being wealthy requires you to stretch beyond your comfort zone.

As with anything else in life, stretching beyond your comfort zone in the area of your finances will at first feel uncomfortable.

However it will only be a matter of time before the adjustments become second nature to you will grow into a new comfort zone.

3.  You are waiting for the ‘one big thing’

If you believe that there is ‘one big thing’, (be it an idea, an opportunity or a person) that is going to make you rich, and you are very patiently waiting for the big thing to show up, you will very likely end up broke and disappointed.

Financial success is usually a result of doing many wealth building activities on a regular and consistent basis.

Unfortunately there is no ‘magic pill’ that will create sustainable wealth for you, mainly because that line of thinking is flawed.

Most people who keep searching for the one big thing usually end up as victims of get-rich-quick scams.

4.  You do not believe you have what it takes

When it comes to creating wealth, there is so much to know. However, knowing alone will not make you rich. Taking action on what you know is the key.

Unfortunately, if you believe that you do not have what it takes to get you where you want to be financially, you will quit at the first sign of adversity.

It is alleged that technically, based on the principles of aerodynamics, a bumblebee can’t fly.  Apparently, its body is too heavy and its wings are too small.

Bumblebees however can and do fly. Could it be because scientists cannot communicate this ‘fact’ to them?

The starting point of self-belief is the ability to make a distinction between a fact and an opinion.

5.  You do not have a ‘system’

Creating a system that will generate income for you and help you achieve your financial goals is where the rubber meets the road.

There are various vehicles that can help you create wealth. These include the stock market, real estate, a successful business and more.

Conversely, there are vehicles that will never make you wealthy no matter how hard you work.  A dead-end job that does not pay the bills and fails to make use of your unique talents is not going to make you rich.

You have to deliberately structure a ‘wealth system’ around your unique abilities to achieve your financial goals and enjoy the journey. You also have to measure and monitor your results on a continuous basis to ensure that you stay on track.

If you found this article useful, check out my short Amazon Kindle eBook The Game of Wealth available here.

Discover the two ways to make money and why choosing the right way will make you financially successful, how to manage your most valuable resources and how to play the game of wealth to win.

Augustine is a consultant and entrepreneur. He helps people discover their true potential to turn their dreams into reality. Click here to join his mailing list and claim your FREE gift (a $27 Value).

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