The Great Retirement Hoax

In the good old days, the right thing to do was to go to school and get good grades which would guarantee a secure job at which you would work from 9-5 for the next 35 or so years.

In most cases you would end up at a job you didn’t like, earning peanuts and living in constant fear of being fired, but at least you had a job.

You then retired on social security to do whatever you had always wanted to do for the rest of your life (or whatever was left of it).

Unfortunately these are not the good old days anymore to the extent that such advice is outdated and even dangerous to your financial well-being.


If you are like most people, within those 35 years, you start a family but spend very little time with the people you care about because you are too busy working at your job.

You fail to pay attention to the toddlers who literally become adult strangers in your home.  Your argument is that you need to make the money to take care of the bills.

You keep working round the clock because your focus is on the promise… after you retire, you can live your dreams and spend time with your children (who will have probably moved out of home by then).

Let’s move on…

Supposing you retire ‘with benefits’ at 60 and you are going to live until you are 100 years of age, you do realize that you will have spent more years retired (40 years to be precise) than the years you spent actively working.

You’d be lucky if the government, your children or your former employers are still picking your health care bills and allowing you to draw a pension.

Doesn’t it make sense that you should be doing what you have always wanted to do today?

35 years at a job or jobs you hate with no time freedom and a high likelihood of retiring in poverty clearly does not sound too appealing, but it is happening every day.

This is why the thought of retirement is scary to many people.

Look around you and see how retired employees are living. Working hard all your life expecting one long vacation (retirement) ?

You do not have to be a genius to figure out that there is no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow!

Most retired employees end up sitting around, trying to find something useful to do that will keep them busy.

Boredom and loss of identity become the main source of depression leading to premature death.

Doing things differently…

Ask yourself what you would like to do when you retire and start taking steps to do those activities now.

You may say you don’t have the money, but what guarantee is there that you will have the money when you retire?

Make sure you enjoy your life starting today, and make your family a priority over your work.

If you do not like your job, find another one that gets you closer to your goals. Alternatively, if you are up to the task, get into business for yourself.

Do what you enjoy and live a more fulfilling life starting today.

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Augustine is a consultant and entrepreneur. He helps people discover their true potential to turn their dreams into reality. Click here to join his mailing list and claim your FREE gift (a $27 Value).

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