3 Things That Can Keep You Broke And Unhappy

Broke and UnhappyMoney and fun are two words that only seem to go together when it comes to deciding what you would do with an unexpected cash windfall.

Waiting to have the money you believe will allow you to have fun amounts to putting your life on hold indefinitely.

Conversely, if you are always looking for fun at the expense of earning money, you will inevitably find yourself broke and unhappy.

Contrary to popular belief, you can have one without the other, and you do not need to strike a delicate balance between having fun and earning money.

To this end, here are three things that can keep you broke and unhappy, no matter how much money you earn.

 1. Spending all your money on material possessions

The false belief that accumulating more ‘stuff’ will make you a happier individual can lead you into the trap of spending money carelessly on things you don’t really need.

You simply need to take stock of all the material possessions you have accumulated over time to realize that although they may make your life a little bit more comfortable, they do not necessarily bring you happiness.

Spending money on experiences however, allows you to engage in activities that bring you closer to your life purpose, and in most cases are more fulfilling and memorable for you and your family.

You are more likely to remember that family trip you took as a child, than all the toys, you played with, including those you thought you couldn’t do without.

2. Not being passionate about what you do for a living

Working long and hard at a job you don’t like is one of the most unfulfilling things you can do, yet people do it all the time.

Infusing passion in your work can have a phenomenal impact on your performance. If you don’t truly enjoy what you do for a living, you will never be really good at it.

Being passionate about what you do makes your work become part of you, and you will inevitably think about it all the time irrespective of whether you are at work or at home.

Similarly, if you are like most people, your work will consume more than 75% of your life. At that rate, disliking your work will invariably contaminate the rest of your life.

It is more fun to focus on the activities that keep you fully engaged to the extent that you lose track of time, as opposed to restricting your life to activities that are dictated by your employer.

3. A low sense of self-worth

Having a low sense of self-worth makes you drift through life aimlessly, and keeps you from living up to your full potential.

If you keep pretending to be who you are not, you will find yourself stuck in a lifestyle that’s hard for you to afford and sustain.

Defining who you really are helps reinforce your belief in yourself.

Getting rid of the thought patterns that are working against you, especially those that make you feel undeserving, keeps you from sabotaging opportunities that could help you improve your life.

Once you identify the things that make you unhappy and cause you unnecessary anxiety, devise means of eliminating them from your life.

This will make you feel relaxed and happy, giving you a sense of fulfillment.

Don’t fill today with yesterday’s worries and pray for guidance regularly.

You will be surprised at the outcome.

Remember, life is a journey and you should do all you can to make it a wonderful experience for yourself and others.

You can’t accomplish this if you are broke and unhappy. For more information on how to get on the path to wealth, happiness and success, click here and watch this FREE video.

Augustine is a consultant and entrepreneur. He helps people discover their true potential to turn their dreams into reality. Click here to join his mailing list and claim your FREE gift (a $27 Value).

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