Manifesting Your Desires – 4 Ways To Create Prosperity Consciousness

manifesting your desiresThe most successful people in life are usually the ones who are on a never-ending quest to improve themselves.

They are always eager to learn and usually have no trouble going through a haystack in the quest for a golden needle.

Have you noticed that the people who jog on a regular basis seem to be the ones in good shape? The same principle also applies to financial success.

If you are mindful about what you want to achieve in life, you will almost certainly find yourself engaged in activities that will support your efforts.

In this article we will look at four ways in which creating prosperity consciousness can help you in manifesting your desires.

1.   If you are in the habit of doodling, doodle dollar signs

This is something I learnt from Claude Bristol in his book The Magic of Believing and the late Foster Hibbard.

When you doodle dollar signs, you send positive signals about money to your subconscious mind and as a result, your money and prosperity consciousness increases.

Try it and see the results for yourself.

2.   Get used to writing and signing checks of large amounts of money

You do not need to have a bank account to do this, and you need not make any payments.

Simply get an old check book that is not in use anymore and start writing out and signing checks of large amounts. Make sure you keep those checks to yourself.

This will give you a feel of what it’s like to command such a large amount of financial power at the stroke of a pen.

When it comes to manifesting your desires in a bid to create financial abundance, this can be a rewarding exercise.

3.  Visualize your success

If you think and act as if you are already financially prosperous, healthy and happy, you will unconsciously find yourself doing things that could actually lead you to your desired result.

This is because when you believe you are successful, you are operating from a positive frame of mind right from the onset.

When you know what success looks like, you can work backwards to where you are today then visualize the steps you need to take to get to where you want to be.

4.  Review your goals every single day

There is no easier way to tell whether you are on track to manifesting your desires than to review your goals on a daily basis.

You have to break your big goal into bite size chunks that will be easy for you to accomplish day by day.

I hand write all my goals for the next day every evening.  I do not use any fancy Personal Information Management software, just a yellow pad and pen.

Manifesting your desires also involves taking the necessary action required to get the results you want.

Most people skip the action part and wonder why they are not getting any results.

Being conscious about money and prosperity will allow you take notice of hidden opportunities which you can actually take advantage of to attain your goals.

Augustine is a consultant and entrepreneur. He helps people discover their true potential to turn their dreams into reality. Click here to join his mailing list and claim your FREE gift (a $27 Value).

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