4 Enemies Of Wealth You Need To Combat To Get Ahead Financially
Slaving away for money by doing things you otherwise wouldn’t do can be a very frustrating experience that will only keep you broke and unhappy.
As much as you may want to do something different, the thoughts that occupy your mind may be those of fear of the unknown.
These thoughts conflict with your need to break free from unfulfilling work and start working towards building wealth.
As a result, you begin to question whether it is worth taking the risk to start doing things differently, without any guarantee of success.
If you want to get ahead financially here are four enemies of wealth you will need to combat on your journey to personal financial success.
1. The wrong mindset
Thinking and believing that wealth is as a result of luck and the reason you are not yet wealthy is because you are yet to receive your lucky break is a recipe for disappointment.
This also goes hand in hand with how people who are not doing well financially are quick to point out the flaws of wealthy people in most cases believing the reason they are not doing well is because the wealthy people took away what belongs to them.
2. Personal debt
If you find yourself in a situation where you have more debt that you ever imagined paying off, it’s time to declare war against any form of borrowing.
The simple fact is; you cannot borrow money and spend your way to wealth. Sounds like common sense, but you would be surprised at how many people have fallen for this lie.
Borrowing money to create the impression of wealth is a sure path to financial failure, and will keep you from getting ahead financially.
3. Poor money management
Developing a healthy attitude towards money and giving it the respect it deserves is a good starting point when it comes to developing good money management skills.
For instance, when you invest money, it is good practice to use the money left over after your monthly expenses and emergencies have been provided for.
Struggling to earn money only to fritter it all away will only keep you financially dejected just as adopting an ‘easy come easy go’ attitude towards money.
4. Procrastination
Having the right information and doing nothing with it is almost as bad as not knowing what to do. If you are going to wait until all the lights are green, you are never going to get started.
Procrastination is one habit that can keep you from getting ahead financially, especially when you perceive what you have to do to achieve your goals as hard work.
Deluding yourself into thinking you can do twice tomorrow what you failed to do today only compounds the problem.
One way to beat procrastination is to look at the benefits of doing what needs to be done versus the consequences of failing to accomplish your task.
If the consequences of not taking action don’t scare you, you may not be motivated enough to carry out your task of implementing the activities that will get you closer to your goals.
Fear of the unknown is what usually keeps people in a false comfort zone, forcing them to play it safe, thereby settling for circumstances they believe to be less risky than the unimaginable.
The first step always seems harder than it actually is and that is why most people have trouble getting started.
Believing you have the power to change your financial circumstances gives you the confidence you need to persevere when it comes to pursuing a worthy objective.
To find out more about how to combat these enemies of wealth click here to download a copy of ‘The Wealth Mindset Blueprint’, and discover why preparing your mind for wealth could be the most profitable thing you’ll ever do for your financial future. Download your copy today.
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