Are You In Control Of Your Life? 10 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself
There is a saying attributed to Abraham Maslow that goes “If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”
When you are making an assessment of your life, it is important to find out why you are not living the life of your dreams.
One quick way to get started is to ask yourself a few important questions.
By the end of this article, you should be able to evaluate your feelings about your work, and how these feelings affect your outlook towards life.
To get the most out of this exercise, please make sure you answer all the questions as honestly as possible.
Think about what you have gone through in your job or business during the last 3 months and rate each question on a Scale of 1 – 5 as follows:
1 = Never;
2 = Rarely;
3 = Sometimes;
4 = Frequently; and
5 = Always.
The Questions
1. I don’t feel refreshed after the weekend and I dread Monday mornings.
2. I hate the thought of waking up to go to work.
3. When I’m at home I think about work, and when at work, I think about home.
4. I feel my job (or business) is taking up all my leisure time.
5. I often get bored at work even though I’ve got lots of work to do.
6. I have too many work related activities to undertake in a day and there’s just not enough time.
7. I find it difficult to concentrate at work.
8. I am sick of my job but I cannot afford to quit.
9. I do not get to spend as much time with my family because of work.
10. I am not being paid what I believe I am worth.
How to Grade Yourself
Add up your scores based on your answers and grade yourself as follows:
1 – 10: You are doing okay.
11 – 20: You may need to make a few life changes.
21 – 24: You are getting into the danger zone.
Over 25: You are putting your health at risk and wasting your life away. You seriously need to think about changing your life.
Once you have isolated the specific problems that affect you, it helps to come up with an action plan on how to make positive changes to put you back in control of your life.
Keep in mind that there will always be people who will criticize everything you do, especially when you are trying to improve your life. This should never stop you from following your dreams.
If you scored over 10, I challenge you to take this test again in a month’s time and check your progress.
Thanks so much for your constant checks and meaningful articles, e books and stories. I really appreciate them. You have indeed been a fundamental stone in my life.
According to my score (i.e. 21 – 24: You are getting into the danger zone.), no hope where i am now. That’s why new year is going to be my break through with all the knowledge i have gathered.
Thanks again for contributing tremendous to the varsity knowledge you provided.
You are welcome Alex. Remember awareness always comes before change.