Dealing With Debt? How To Put An End To Overspending

dealing with debtWhen the biggest obstacle between you and financial success is a pile of personal debt, it is quite tempting to give up on your dreams and settle for a life of despair, yearning for a financial miracle without any effort on your part.

In today’s economy, a good number of people feel like they are struggling financially and don’t know how to cut back on their expenses.

In many cases, knowing what to do solves only part of the problem, as opposed to doing what needs to be done.

In this article, we are going to cover 4 ways in which you can stop overspending when dealing with debt.

1.  Focus on the task at hand

The old adage ‘what you focus on increases’ is true in every sense. In a nutshell, you get more of what you focus on.

When asked how he came to discover the law of gravity, Sir Isaac Newton is reported to have answered, “By always thinking about it”.

If you focus on debt, you will have a hard time dealing with it.

On the other hand, if you focus on increasing your income and put an end to borrowing money, your debt will be easier to manage.

This is where the major difference lies between those who succeed and those who don’t.

2.  Establish the link between the pain of being in debt and frivolous spending

We have all faced bullies at some point in our lives be it at the playground in our formative years, or at the workplace later in life.

Think about how helpless you felt while you were being bullied.

In many ways, debt can actually be likened to a bully that we bring upon ourselves as a result of reckless spending.

You’re afraid to answer the phone, it’s tough to sleep at night and life in debt becomes a never-ending cycle of anxiety and fear.

One way in which you can overcome the problem of dealing with debt is to label it as a bully that only grows bigger when you fail to control your expenses.

3.  Find the holes before you can plug the leaks

A container with a gaping hole at the bottom will never fill with water irrespective of how much more you keep putting in.

Increasing your income without the slightest idea of where all your money is going will only keep you in debt.

The biggest challenge for most people is locating the hole at the bottom of the container.

In some cases it is one gaping hole, or sometimes they are seemingly microscopic holes which may not be easy to identify from the onset.

By gaining a fundamental understanding of money management, finding the leakages will become second nature to you.

This should always be the starting point the moment you start taking deliberate steps to begin dealing with your debt.

4.  Adopt a holistic approach to cutting back on your expenses

The moment you realize that you will have to cut back on your expenses especially when dealing with debt, there is an inherent temptation to focus on the small expenses that will not really make that much of a difference.

The bigger expenses seem impossible to cut back, yet they can actually create a more meaningful impact on your finances.Free Report

You have to be able to think of creative ways to simplify your life without affecting its quality like Australian millionaire Paul Squires describes in his book Wealthier Than You Think.

If your efforts of dealing with debt seem to be all in vain, you can join the ranks of those who are determined to do what it takes by downloading your FREE report Money Management Made Easy available here.


Augustine is a consultant and entrepreneur. He helps people discover their true potential to turn their dreams into reality. Click here to join his mailing list and claim your FREE gift (a $27 Value).

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