Yes You Too Can Now Use The Power Of Affirmations With Ease
“Discover How To Inspire Yourself To Stunning Success By Simply Using These 17 Powerful Affirmations”
At Last, A Quick And Easy Way To Attract More Success In your Life…
Dear Friend,
Are there times in your life when nothing seems to be going your way? You wake up in the morning looking for inspiration all in vain and wonder why you are not successful?
If you’re willing to take a few short minutes and read this entire page carefully, you’ll discover a way in which you may completely and easily, without inconvenience or loss of time, inspire yourself to a life of happiness and success.
But first, let me tell you a story…
There once was a young man who inherited a fortune from his late father.
Not being familiar with his father’s trade, he felt the need to prove that he had what it took to run his newly acquired manufacturing business empire.
He therefore summoned all the workers and told them over and over, exactly what he wanted done and how he thought it should be done.
He spent all his time repeating his directions to them without giving them enough time to get the work done. As a result, they started to mix up his directions.
He moved around to watch, criticize and direct every little movement of the workers who in turn became nervous and made foolish mistakes.
Eventually, very little work got done, and many key employees were fired.
Not long after that, production came to a standstill and one manufacturing plant had to be shut down.
There’s more to the story
The young man ended up frustrated and unhappy, blaming all the workers for all his problems.
He eventually sought the advice of one of his late father’s closest advisers who had kept a distance having observed the young man’s management style.
The wise man advised him to instruct the workers quietly, kindly, and in as few words as possible, exactly what he wanted done and leave them to come up with solutions as to how they would get the work done.
If he later came across something which was not done right he was to call in a worker and repeat the directions, with perhaps a little further explanation, then trust him to do it right the second time round.
When he did this, the workers did their best to please him. The result?
Business went back to normal, productivity increased and the closed manufacturing plant was reopened.
And so it is with affirmations…
When it comes to affirmations, most people are not very different from the young man.
They don’t give their subconscious mind a chance to work on manifesting their desires, but keep repeating their directions over and over, with emotions of fear and doubt.
The result? Nothing happens!
What would happen if you directed your subconscious mind to do a certain difficult piece of work and then came back five minutes later expecting to find it all done?
For affirmations to yield results, you have to learn to take it for granted that your subconscious mind is working to bring you the things you desire.
Imagine how it would feel to manifest the success you want into your life just by changing your thoughts and going through your affirmations in a relaxed positive way…
Now you too can take the important first step towards programming your mind for success and improving your life with the power of affirmations.
Here’s Introducing:
17 Powerful Affirmations For Success

In less than 5 minutes a day, you can inspire yourself to stunning success by using these 17 Powerful Affirmations for Success.
Practical, positive and simple to use, these affirmations recorded in downloadable video format will give you the inspiration you need at your convenience.
Discover how to get in touch with that part of you which is ready to create success, wealth, loving relationships and happiness in your life with these 17 carefully selected success affirmations NOW!
You can watch the video on your computer or on a portable device while you commute over and over again.
To ensure that you go through the affirmations in a relaxed positive way, a subliminal backing track has been programmed to play in the background.
This is to help you focus on the affirmations that will inspire you to stunning success.
As you focus on your affirmations, you will realize that you hold the key to change your life for the better, but only if you chose to accept the fact that you have it in you to react positively to what life throws at you.
It’s a known fact that when you focus on what you want and with deep feelings of gratitude, you start drawing it into your life.
Choose to live your life with a focus on gratitude through the use of these affirmations.
But first I must warn you…
Positive affirmations will only work if you are free from doubts and limiting beliefs deep within your subconscious mind.
These negative beliefs hold you back, and stop your manifestations from coming true.
What you think when you are making affirmations is the most important determining factor as to whether they will work for you.
Remember, everything you think or feel about yourself as an individual has an impact on your ability to create joy, happiness, wealth, and abundance in your life.
Changing the way you think is a process.
With the right mindset, success in your life becomes the rule rather than the exception.
It’s all a matter of time…
These 17 Affirmations will enable you to…
Develop the confidence to make better and bolder decisions that will lead you closer to achieving your goals
Get what you want out of life by thinking about what you want in a focused, deliberate and targeted way
Strengthen your creative energies so you can find the motivation you need to achieve your goals
Improve the quality of your life by training your mind to attract positive thoughts by habit while countering negative thoughts
Focus on simple ways to promote positive creative activity so you enjoy all that life has to offer
Improve your outlook on life and come closer to your true self so you can achieve your dreams
Discover how you can use the power of your mind to create new realities, so you can attract health, wealth and abundance in your life
Recognize and follow your intuition as your personal guide to achievement and enjoy the confidence that all things are possible only if you believe
Stop filling your life up with results from negative thoughts so you can stop struggling and start living the abundant life
Help you appreciate the positive events occurring in your life so that you can focus more on what is working
Win the respect of your family and friends as a result of your newly found confidence in your own abilities
Eliminate the self-sabotage that has been blocking your success and programme your mind to start seeing the opportunities that present themselves to you all the time.
And That’s Not All…
Uncover The Hidden Power And Ability Of Your Mind To Achieve Success!
Whatever your definition of success…
Here is your chance to discover how to control your life and focus on today to lead a better life tomorrow.
By inspiring yourself to do more than you thought you were capable of.
Can you imagine being able to focus on something and have it come true?
Imagine what your life would be like if you could attract only positive things in your life, like abundance, wealth, good health and happiness…
The fact is, your reality is nothing more than a reflection of your thoughts.
Change your life by changing your reality…
It seems almost incredible that you can use the power of affirmations and achieve success.
Affirmations help to programme your deepest thoughts. They help you manifest your inner desires through belief that comes as a result of repetition.
When you act accordingly, you begin to see results and often times opportunity presents itself in the most unexpected ways
The ability to positively affect the outcome of your life by simply taking advantage of the hidden power in your mind is within your reach.
It all starts with gratitude. Being grateful for what you already have and focusing on the good that is already in your life instantly changes the way you look at life and success.
17 Powerful Affirmations to keep your fears from holding YOU back
These affirmations will allow you to focus on today instead of worrying about how you will get through the rest of the week.
The video is in MP4 format, so you should be able to view it on any device.
Yes, that includes mobile devices too…
If you’re ready for a positive change in your life, take action today, and here’s why…
One of the leading causes of failure is procrastination.
The truth is most people would rather come from work and sit in front of the TV, continuing to wish their lives would change.
But I do not think you are like that since you have read this far.
However, if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got.
Your opportunity is now, so it’s time for you to ask yourself a very vital question…
What will you do with it?
Will you ignore it and continue to struggle with negative thoughts?
Will you think about it and waste more time while you watch other people succeed?
Will you take this moment and use it to inspire yourself to success?
You know which choice is best so act now and get to see firsthand what the power of affirmations can do for your life.
Now you are probably wondering…
How much does this cost?
How much would you expect to pay for a solution that could quite literally change your life and allow you to achieve your dreams?
Certainly, several hundred dollars would not be unreasonable… but relax you won’t have to pay near that much for the 17 Powerful Affirmations For Success.
Here’s the good news.
Brace yourself…
All I am asking today is a $37 $9.97 investment and you get this entire package handed to you, both the video and the handy reference PDF guide.
There’s no waiting for delivery! You will receive instant access to download this product directly to your computer immediately after your order is processed and approved.
I am only interested in seeing you succeed and that’s why I’m giving away this amazing video together with the handy reference guide (PDF) for $37 $9.97.
The offer is only available right here through the link below.
All the risk is on me…
As usual, this product comes with a 100% iron-clad solid guarantee (see below)
That’s more than a guarantee, it’s my personal promise. You risk absolutely nothing.
But there’s even more I want to give you…
Secure your copy of the 17 Powerful Affirmations For Success today, you get instant access to an exclusive fast-action bonus:
Don’t wait another moment to lose the opportunity to receive your valuable bonuses.
Download this video and watch it in a relaxed environment.
Right away, you’ll begin to notice the incredible power of these affirmations.
Secure your copy of 17 Powerful Affirmations For Success and start using the power of affirmations Now!
To your success,
P.S. Take advantage of this risk-free offer for 60 days by downloading the video and experiencing the powerful results for yourself. Your opportunity is now…
P.P.S. If for any reason you are not delighted with this product, you can return it for a prompt and courteous refund and you get to keep the bonus as my gift to you for taking up this offer.